Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Starting at Not the Beginning

What prompts someone to publish their thoughts and feelings on the Internet? A desire for validation? The need for love and admiration? An outgoing personality that wants to share itself with the world? Am I one or all of those? The intellectual part of me hopes not. The vain part of me, of course, is all about those things. I believe, in my heart, that I will share of myself those things that others will find interesting, amusing, inspiring, maybe even enlightening. Entertainment mixed with a bit of education may be my goal. At least that sounds pretty good.

The name? LaughingBear is a name that was given under unusual circumstances. Unusual is such a subjective term. What's usual for one may be shocking for another. Experience creates the environment in which usual is born. I'll post an entry with that story another time. I'm sure I'll be reminded, too.

LaughingBear Ventures describes the lofty ambitions I've set for myself. I have too many interests; hobbies, pursuits, aspirations, and wanted a way to roll them all up in one neat package. It wasn't easy finding a name that didn't already exist, for this is also to be a business enterprise. Therein lies my biggest challenge. How do I turn what I think I can do into something that may provide some financial support? I've already taken the first steps. And yes, that's a subject for another entry.

So here I sit, contemplating all the things that I want to insert into this expose of me. Follow the dreams of a middle-aged man with a confused and complicated past, if you wish. I'll do my best to follow the example of a dear friend on another continent and make these entries with some regularity.

For now, I leave you with my standard closing (which will also be explained later):

Blessings, Love and Peace
Laughing Bear

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