Another blogist of my acquaintance, PB, has asked if it's possible for us in the Facebook world to go tech-free for one day a month. She doesn't use the reference of "going green", but rather as a day to simply be and experience. Get simpler and go back to a time when people talked to each other in the face. Go for a walk, for crying out loud. Ok, some parts of the country right now that may not be a pleasant thought. Guess what, there are other things you can do!
One of the comments she got back went right to that "other things" side. With work schedules, travel schedules, family, children and all the demands put on us, it may not be that simple. Who says you can't plan for something like that though?!? One of the things I've been saying for some time now is that we move too fast. I loved the traffic jams in Rhode Island. It gave me a chance to look at the side of the road and see the wildflowers growing there. I had the opportunity to see wild turkeys roaming along the highway. You don't get to see that stuff when you're flying low at 70mph in the 55 zone. Stop and smell the roses has never been more important, in my opinion.
The discussions that followed went two ways. She has it posted in two different locations. One thread was very positive, looking for all the ways to tune out the every day world and tune in to the natural world. Given that opportunity, I can tell you one of the things you'll find. YOU are part of that natural world. Go sit in a park for a couple of hours. Hold the hand of your partner. Spread out a blanket, if the weather cooperates, and lie next to each other staring at clouds and birds and trees. Don't talk about work or bills or schedules. Just breathe. Let go of what is expected. Let the unexpected come to you. It will!
The other thread is apparently populated with people who don't understand being unplugged, or are at least severely resistant to not "being in touch." PB suggested turning off the computer and the cell phone, at the very least. Someone asked if that included the television. PB, in her generous nature, said that it's a personal project and each should proceed with what is comfortable. For my part, television is out. Radio is out. CD, iPod, stereo, out. Gas and electric, well that depends on where you live. If you're in New England right now, definitely NOT out! Even the Central Valley of California would be a difficult place to stay without power right now. Now a place like Sydney, Australia, you might get by. However, you might need the air conditioner unless you can spend the day at a beach. :)
One of the ways that I'll be able to enjoy the tech-free day is my flute. It requires no power other than me and can create such a peaceful space in which to be free. If I'm lucky enough to spend this day with my hunny, which I plan to be, I know she'll enjoy the flute as well. Does this tech-free mean no books? I think it should. That's my view because part of the goal here is to focus on relationships. Whether with your mate or your family, get rid of the distractions. Board games, card games, sure! Those are things that can bring you together.
Do I despise technology and what it's done to our society? Yes and no. Technology has been my bread and butter for over 30 years. But I don't think it should be as important as it seems to have become to such a large portion of the population. Can I do without? For a day, yes. Maybe even a week. But the time is coming, I hope, that I will be dependent on it from a financial perspective. An online business is in the works. Why? Because if I manage it right, I'll have tech-free time, too.
Can you go tech-free for a day a month?
Blessings, Love and Peace to you all.
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