The Empty Polling Booth is not a science fiction story nor a tale of a post apocalyptic geopolitical construct. It is instead an idea for change. It was presented to me today by a very dear friend. There is a possibility that some internet-scouring organization of the political establishment may read this article and label me with one of the dirty words they are sworn to suppress. No, I'll not put those words to this screen, that would be equivalent to shouting them out. You, dear reader, may discern one or more of those words as the idea unfolds.
Our tale starts with the history of a country now 235 years old. Really quite young compared to many others around the world. It started as an escape route, a haven, a paradise to be built. There were grand ideals set forth by the founding fathers in documents intended to keep those ideals alive and inviolate. For a time those documents stood resolute and strong. The people rejoiced in their freedoms and responsibilities as citizens. These documents were the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. I encourage all citizens of this nation to read these documents, including the Additional Amendments.
As time passed and society evolved, additional amendments, now numbered eleven through twenty-seven, were added and ratified by the governing body. Some of these amendments have been controversial, both in the time of their creation and today. Some have been undeniably necessary and morally correct. The one undeniable fact over the last 235 years is that the governing body should represent The People. It seems to me that within my lifetime, if not longer, this has changed. What with Political Action Committees, Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists and the rest, all of whom seem to have influential and deep pockets, the interests of The People have taken a back seat!
The Empty Polling Booth is an idea that will fall on deaf ears. I know there are not a lot of people who read my musings, but maybe, just maybe they can spread the word a bit. The deaf ears will be those who probably don't read my pages anyway. Those who live well above the middle class have no need to see changes to the system as it waddles its way through future history. Everyone else, those who are directly responsible for the infrastructure of this country, those are now most negatively affected by the flatulence of government, those who are being crushed by the weight of a bloated Budget, they are the ones that I feel will grasp this idea.
So now I'll address my commentary to those people, the ones for whom this country still holds the potential to be the greatest country on earth once again, if only it could regain its original values. Are you happy with your government (the legislative branch)? Are you happy with the legal system (the judiciary branch)? Are you happy with the leadership (the executive branch)? I have a feeling that a large number of people I would call friend would answer NO to all three questions. Of course, we've all heard the answer to these questions: Then change it! At this point, almost everyone will say something like, "There just aren't any good options on the ballot!" So we are relegated to choosing the lesser of two evils. I can't tell you how many times I heard that in 2008, on a variety of ballot choices.
It seems like it has been that way for over 20 years now! How sad is it that among the populace of this country we cannot find a candidate to truly represent the will of The People. Forget representing the will of The People, that's almost become a pipe dream. There are too many of us and we're all too different! How about representing the best interest and the good of The People. Anybody have a representative like that? Keep in mind all the constituents of their area. Is there anyone out there "pleasing most of The People most of the time"?
Since we seem to rarely have a positive choice to make at the polls, and a negative choice (lesser of two evils) isn't a great option either, can we send a different message? Can we send a message that says, "Not only are we disappointed with your performance, we're becoming angry. Enough nonsense from you and your colleagues." Since we don't like the choices, DON'T CHOOSE! Don't make a choice based on which is least distasteful. Sure, go ahead and voice your opinion on bond issues or road taxes, but don't give the power to someone you don't think deserves it!
Of course that begs the question, "What happens if nobody gets a single vote?" Does the incumbent retain the post? I would hope not, because in essence it's a dead heat tie! Is another election required? Presumably. But if the candidates are the same, then the result would be the same, IF WE STICK TO OUR GUNS. If we could make this happen, across ALL socio-political-economic barriers, the result just might be a change for the better.
The Empty Polling Booth aka: What if They Held an Election and Nobody Came?
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